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1-Testomax 75 (1-Testomax 75)

1-Testomax 75

Product Presentation : 1-Testosterone Cypionate 75m/ml, 10 ml Glass Vials This is a revolutionary product which manufactured as in injectable form by Optimum Pharma. 1-Testosterone Cypionate is not Testosterone . Its dihydroboldenone, which is a very anabolic and androgenic product. Its anabolic effect is not measured absolutely but scientific research shows that it is at least 2-3 times more powerful then Testosterone. This means even in small doses this product can make dramatic changes in physique. Injecting 300 mg 1-Testosterone Cypionate at least will make the same effect of 800 mg Testosterone( probably more). The best of this product, it doesnt convert in to any kind of Estrogen or Progesterone. So no water and fat retention nor Gynocomastia will be seen. All gains will be dry and lean . Besides that , its high androgenic effect will cause incredible fat loss and muscle hardness which will result ; extreme muscle definiton. Dosage: 150-225 mg per week are standart for average athletes Maximum dosage should be limited to 375-450 mg per week. Injections must be repeated 2 times per week.

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