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Xenical (Orlistat) 42 Capsules (Xenical 42 Capsules)

Xenical (Orlistat) 42 Capsules

Product description:

Xenical helps you to achieve weight loss without suppressing your appetite, thus It is one of the most successfull weight loss treatment. It effectively promotes weight loss, weight management & maintenance and reduction in weight regain and to improve obesity related disease factors when compared to diet alone.
How Xenical works:

Enzymes in your intestinal tract, called lipases, help digest (break down) fat. When you take Xenical with meals, Xenical attaches to the lipases and blocks them from breaking down some of the fat you have eaten. Xenical reduced the body's ability to absorb fat by approximately 30 percent. While fat is an important component of a balanced diet, the consumption of excess fat in your daily diet, contributes to body weight. In most cases, weight loss is gradual. Obese patients treated with Xenical and a reduced-calorie diet for one year lost an average of 13.4 pounds while those on a reduced calorie diet alone, lost 5.8 pounds.


The recommended dose is one capsule by mouth with liquid at each main meal. You should use Xenical together with a nutritionally balanced, mildly reduced-calorie diet that contains no more than about 30 percent of calories from fat. It is packed in packets of 84 tabs.

Additional supplements:

Xenical interferes with your body's absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins. Therefore, Xenical should be taken in conjunction with a daily multivitamin supplement containing vitamins D, E, K, and beta-carotene. These should be taken 2 hours either side of taking Xenical.

Possible side effects:

Since Xenical interferes with the absorption of fat, changes in bowel habits may be evident. Side effects generally occur within the first few weeks of treatment but tend to subside later in the treatment phase. These may include oily spotting, gas with discharge, oily or fatty stools and increased number of bowel movements. These bowel changes are a natural effect of blocking the fat from being absorbed and indicate that Xenical is working.

Obesity is second only to smoking as a cause of preventable death in the US, and is a major contributing factor to serious medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and other cardiovascular diseases. Relating to the seriousness of obesity or being overweight, this product should be used for anyone who is serious about weight loss, weight management, weight control and serious about their livelyhood.

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