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Trenbolone Enanthate  Container 200 mg-ml 10 ml vial  Product  Properties Anabolic : 500 Androgenic : 500 Standart : Nandrolone Acetate Estrogenic Activity : None Progestational Activity : Moderate  Description Trenbolone enenthate (TREN 200) is an injectable form of the strong anabolic steroid trenbolone. Given the use of an enanthate ester, this drug will exhibit virtually identical pharmacokinetics to testosterone enanthate, providing a peak release of its steroid within the first several days after injection, followed by declining levels for approximately 2 weeks. The base steroid here (trenbolone) is a derivative of nandrolone, and exhibits strong anabolic and androgenic properties. On a miligram for miligram basis it is considerably more potent than testosterone as both an anabolic and androgenic agent, though it does carry a more favorably balance (toward anabolism). Trenbolone is also unable to convert to estrogen, however it does exhibit notable progestational activity, which may mimic estrogenic side effects given the right physiological conditions. Trenbolone enanthate is virtually interchangeable with TREN 125 (trenbolone hexa), capable of promoting strong gains in lean muscle mass, often with an accompanying increase in relative hardness and definition.
Tren 200 By IRON PHARMA (Tren 200)



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